All I know about Donald Trump is what I've learned through the media and we all know how reliable a source that is in terms of seeing things as they really are.I 've never met him personally, so what do I really know about him or his ways ?
Having said that, as much of an embarrassment as President Trump appears to be each day from what they choose to highlight about him in the news, from a distance, life in the U.S. looks pretty much like the same old same old. It seems to me that no matter who's in office, things stay pretty much the same. We have the same complaints no matter who's doing the job and Americans end up despising whomever is in office, by the end of their term.
To hear people talk, you'd think we'd have been on the brink of utter chaos and nuclear annihilation by now but when I drive down the street and go about my daily life, things are pretty much the same.
My parents brought us to the U.S when I was a kid so I'm not a citizen yet. They didn't expect this country to change the rules for them, rather they conformed to the established ways. They taught us to behave as guests so that we'd always be welcome here. After all they went through to get here, they were always astonished at the ironies they saw, for example how someone who proudly displayed an "America...Love it or Leave" or "Support our Troops" bumper sticker on the back of their car, could toss garbage out the window and or completely disregard the traffic laws of the land they claimed to love.
I've applied for my Citizenship and as far as I can tell, regardless of Trump, so far the process seems quite well thought out and user friendly. As far as I can tell 3/4 of the way through it, there should be no problem so long as I follow the rules and go through the established process.